high school project - Why so serious?
10:41 AM
Info: Ten days ago I posted the first part of my teen clothing project. And then I had some house renovating work to do, and celebrate the easter, so there was not a lot of time for the rest of the clothing. Anyway, now I update with the more dark sided teens! More parts (and boys part) are following!
Use: All four are in one .rar, but they are tidy each outfit in its own folder, with pics. Unzip those you like- or all- in downloads. MESHES are included.
Credits. A lot of them again!
Textures are from brands Bershka, H&M, Poizen Industries and amplified
Goth outfit mesh by Harmonia the girl in the pic wears a Cassis necklace
Rebel outfit mesh by Simal@tsr
Emo outfit is an EA mesh
Artsie outfit mesh by zodapop
Downloads and More pics!

Excuse me, where can I download them? does not appear